Friday, January 8, 2010

How can I heal my facial skin faster and keep it from being flakey on accutane?

So anyways Im on accutane and Im wondering if any previous users or current users have any tips to keep the skin nice and moist, and to have it heal faster from minor scabs. Oh, and should I be exfoiliating regularly, or not bother. Just wash with soap? Or water? Or any tips to have it clean and not dry would be very much appreciated. Thank you.|||If you are currently taking accutane than you know all the risks involved but we have great sucess with the people who take it. you can try something gentle like cetaphil cleanser. I would also try appling aquaphor (its over the counter) on just the scabs and sleep in it. It is very thick but you dont need much. I would wash with something other than soap it is drying and more than likely not helping your condition. Good Luck|||well my mom was on accutane and she just toughed it out for a few weeks and her face is so clear now! just try to wait it out and tell your self and remind your self how nice it will be to never have zits again.

sorry but thats all you can do. nothing more really.

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