Friday, January 8, 2010

How do I get the skin off a salmon filet?

Before or after I cook it?|||After you cook it it it will slide off easily. But I love to eat it!|||pan fry it in a little butter, skin side down, cook it until it is aound half cooked, you can see the colour change, then flip it over, and cook the other side, it will be a little crispy if you do it right....whilst it is still in the pan, the skin will just peel off....tastes nice that way :)|||Both, but you might spoil the meat or flesh if you cook first. if the salmon fillet is frozen, defrost a little bit then you can rip easily the skin.or damp a hot towel or kitchen cloth onto the skin for sometime then same procedure but be gentle. |||If you cook it with the skin on, it will just fall off when the fish is cooked. So if you don%26#039;t like skin (I personally love it), just cook the fish with it on, and peel it off afterwards (thats what my dad used to do before he realized that we LIKED the skin)|||It will separate almost by itself once it%26#039;s been cooked. I%26#039;d recommend that you leave it on during cooking -- it helps to keep the fish moister during the cooking process.|||i would cook it with the skin on, if you place it on tin foil the skin will stick and the cooked salmon comes off wonderfully|||Take it off after you cook it as it is easier.

The skin helps hold it together.

I love the crispy skin....yum|||Make sure all scales are removed and cook with it on.

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