Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to keep my skin as smooth as possible for as long as possible?

I would like to have clear, smooth skin for as long as possible. However, I have large pores and oily skin (mainly on my face).

How can I fix this to get my skin to remain wrinkle-free for as long as possible? Any other tips?|||Homemade treatment for clear soft skin

Strawberry Mask

- 1/2 a cup of natural yogurt

- 3 chopped stawberries

- 1/2 cup of oats

Mix in a blender until smooth. Put the mask on your face with your fingers and lie back and relax for 15 mins. And for an extra boost put cucumbers on your

eyes and you鈥檒l be amazed at the difference!

All Natural Mask

- 1 teaspoon alcohol

- 2 teaspoons of distilled water

- 10 drops of natural lemon juice

- 5 drops of honey

- 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda

- Enough corn starch baby powder to mix it into a smooth paste.

Use daily, an hour before bed time. Apply paste to entire face area using cotton

ball, or your fingers. Leave on your face for half an hour, then rinse very well

with warm water, dry well but without scrubbing. Results should show within

one week.

Face Cleanser

- Mix 2tbsp. finely ground oatmeal

- 2tbsp. wheat bran

- 2tbsp. honey

Now mix in enough olive oil or apple cider vinegar to form a soft paste. Rinse

face with warm water. Then apply cleanser. Gently massage face for 5 mins.

Then rinse again with warm water and then rinse with cold water.

To Loosen and Cleanse Blackheads

- Make a paste of oatmeal, honey and and egg white. Apply to the skin,

massage for 10 minutes then rinse with tepid (room temperature) water.

Lemon Juice Works Wonders

- Wash your face and rinse thoroughly. Squeeze a fresh lemon into a small

bowl and put the juice on a cotton ball. Apply cotton ball to face. Repeat

soaking of cotton ball in lemon juice as needed. Let lemon juice dry on

face for about 10 minutes then rinse with cool water. The lemon juice

should make your face sting or mildly burn. If you have sensitive skin you

may wish to dilute juice with water. Follow this procedure one to two

times per day and you will notice amazing results within 14 days.This will also tighten your skin so you dont have any wrinkles.

Pore Cleaner Exfoliant Mask

- Mix baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and water into a paste and apply to

your skin. Let dry on the skin then wash off with cool water.

Egg Yolk Mask

- This mask is great for the skin. It leaves it refreshed and feeling great.

Take one beaten egg yolk and apply liberally to the face with a cotton ball.

Let dry on the skin for 15 minutes then rinse off with cool water. This

mask will replenish your skin and tighten up your pores.

Honey Oatmeal Mask

- Great for oily skin. Mix honey and oatmeal into a paste and apply to skin

for 15 minutes. The oatmeal will absorb the oil off your skin.

Milk of Magnesia

- Very nice mask for oily skin. You can apply a thin layer to the skin and

leave it on all day. Be sure to use flavorless Milk of Magnesia.

Water Flush

- Water helps the body flush out toxins and transport nutrients to the body.

Drinking water puts less strain on the skin organ to flush out toxins. The

recommended amount of water you should drink is at least half your body

weight in ounces of water( a 150 lb. person should drink 75 ounces/day ).

While water alone will not eliminate your acne it will greatly assist your

skin in remaining healthy.|||Toner makes your pores smaller. Moisturizer for your face/body lotion for your body will make your skin SOFT. It will feel beautiful. YOU CANNOT GET BEAUTIFUL SKIN WITHOUT MOISTURIRING IT. YOU JUST CAN%26#039;T.

For oil, get the pads by oil of olay or whatever that remove it.


o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0oo0o00o here%26#039;s a trick I use if you want beautiful angel soft legs :

Put petroleum jelly/lotion on your legs. Wear knee high socks that cover where you put the jelly/lotion on. or wear tight leggings. Go to sleep, wake up next morning. If you put lotion on, look at the beautyy!! If you put jelly, go take a shower, get out, and put lotion on your legs. wowwwwwwwwwww there%26#039;s a difference

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