Monday, April 26, 2010

How do you keep your skin clear?

I%26#039;ve used ProActive and a bunch of other stuff. Do you have any tips?|||I have a routine I follow, that%26#039;s cleanser/toner/moisterizer, and I got lucky, becuase my skin is pretty clear in the first place.|||i use pro activ its a good product u just have to use it EVERYDAY!!! u cant miss one day and ur skin will stay awesome people sumtimes ask me if im wearing foundation but i dont. =)|||Inorder to keep your skin clear. Make sure that you always wash off your makeup, and also dont touch your face alot. I do put on a light mostuizor also.|||I am 62yrs. old and have never had a pimple or a blemish. When I was a teenager I washed my face with Noxzema. After that I just kept it soap and water clean and used a good moisturizer. ( stayed out of the sun ) I started using foundation in my mid 40s. I mix it with moisturizer, then apply. You need to keep your pores open for as many years as possible.|||i tried proactiv and it dosnt work tryclean %26amp; clear acne cleanser (to wash ur face) then clean %26amp; clear acne control moisturizer (the medicine that gets rid of the pipmples and bumps) and lastclean %26amp; clear fast cleaning spot treatment (use this only when a pipmle is realy red or realy big and it takes it out in one day) i bout al these in wal mart and came in a box with al three of them but i think they sell them seperatly to|||no junk food.........wash with cleanser day and night...... GOod LUck :)

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