Thursday, December 17, 2009

How come my skin tone is different all over?

Ever since I was a kid I%26#039;ve noticed I%26#039;m whiter in certain areas and darker in others...

I dress modestly and my skin is often times covered so it%26#039;s not a tan.

Anyway to get my skin to be one even tone?|||Your skin will be lighter in some areas naturally because, of blood flow. You will always be lighter on the underside of your arms, your neck, buttocks, feet and hands. Everyone is like that even people who go to tanning beds.|||hmmmm. im gonna go guess the sun is somehow involved here.;_ylt=Av5GlI5n7qNYkQlPXiC0LfXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090601172857AAhDabU|||try using cocoa butter.|||probably melanoma

get it checked by a doctoer

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